PinnedPublished inMac O’ClockInstall iPhone app not available in your countryThis is a guide to install iPhone apps that are not available in your country. The method is quick and easy. You don’t have to create new…Jun 21, 20201586Jun 21, 20201586
Published inMac O’ClockHow to always show Function Key on Macbook’s TouchbarIt’s painful when switching to Macbook Pro or Air with touch bar since we always been using function key. So I did some google and found a…Feb 27, 20212Feb 27, 20212
How to get free ebooks for your kindleHi guys, some of you might want to get free ebooks for reading. But do you know there is a big online library out there that you can get…Nov 20, 20206Nov 20, 20206
How to listen to Youtube as background?Do you happen to know that you can listen to Youtube music as background on you phone?May 13, 20202May 13, 20202
Gesture setup on Elementary OSPreviously, I have shown you how to make your elementary os look more beautiful. This time, let’s customize the touchpad gesture, so that…Sep 5, 20191304Sep 5, 20191304
Customizing Elementary OS 5.0 (Theme + Icons + Cursor)Recently, Elementary OS 5.0, code name “Juno” is out. It is based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Elementary OS’s design is sleek and very consistent…Oct 20, 20183631Oct 20, 20183631